11 research outputs found

    Planning formalisms and authoring in interactive storytelling

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    Interacting Storytelling systems integrate AI techniques such as planning with narrative representations to generate stories. In this paper, we discuss the use of planning formalisms in Interactive Storytelling from the perspective of story generation and authoring. We compare two different planning formalisms, Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning and Heuristic Search Planning (HSP). While HTN provide a strong basis for narrative coherence in the context of interactivity, HSP offer additional flexibility and the generation of stories and the mechanisms for generating comic situations

    Disseny d'una activitat pedag貌gica musical amb visi贸 per computador

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    En un nou intent d'apropar la tecnologia a la societat i, m茅s espec铆ficament, a les aules, en aquest projecte s'ha dissenyat i creat, amb la col路laboraci贸 de l'Escola de M煤sica de Sant Cugat, un prototipus d'activitat did脿ctica enfocada a l'aprenentatge musical. En aquesta primera iteraci贸 de l'activitat, tres usuaris interactuen amb el seu cos i els seus gestos per fer sonar una pe莽a musical. Un d'ells interactuar脿 amb un pentagrama gegant per fer sonar les notes d'un piano, trepitjant la nota que vulgui fer sonar. Els altres dos usuaris interaccionaran amb un ritme preenregistrat, podent alterar el seu tempo i volum mitjan莽ant moviments. Aquest projecte combina diverses tecnologies per dur a terme el seu prop貌sit i crear una experi猫ncia did脿ctica que serveixi com a primer cop d'ull a les possibilitats que ens ofereix barrejar el m贸n tecnol貌gic amb el m贸n de l'ensenyament.In a new attempt to bring technology to society and, more specifically, to classrooms, a prototype of educational activity focused in musical learning has been designed and created, with the collaboration of Sant Cugat's music school. In this first iteration of the activity, three users interact with their bodies and their gestures to make a musical piece play. One of them will interact with a giant stave to make piano notes sound, stepping on the note he wants to play. The other two users will interact with a pre-recorded rhythm, being able to modify its tempo and volume through their movements. This project combines different technologies to achieve it's purpose and create a learning experience that will serve as a first look at the possibilities offered when mixing the technological world with the world of education.En un nuevo intento de acercar la tecnolog铆a a la sociedad y, m谩s espec铆ficamente, a las clases, en este proyecto se ha dise帽ado y creado, con la colaboraci贸n de la Escola de M煤sica de Sant Cugat, un prototipo de actividad did谩ctica enfocada al aprendizaje musical. En esta primera iteraci贸n de la actividad, tres usuarios interaccionan con su cuerpo y sus gestos para hacer sonar una pieza musical. Uno de ellos interaccionar谩 con un pentagrama gigante para hacer sonar las notas de un piano, pisando la nota que quiera hacer sonar. Los otros dos usuarios interaccionaran con un ritmo pregrabado, pudiendo alterar su tempo y volumen mediante movimientos. Este proyecto combina diversas tecnolog铆as para llevar a cabo su prop贸sito y crear una experiencia did谩ctica que sirva como primer vistazo a las posibilidades que nos ofrece mezclar el mundo tecnol贸gico con el de la educaci贸n

    A bimodal crowdsourcing platform for demographic historical manuscripts

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    Pon猫ncia presentada al First International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage celebrada del 19 al 20 de maig de 2014 a MadridIn this paper we present a crowdsourcing web-based application for extracting information from demographic handwritten document images. The proposed application integrates two points of view: the semantic information for demographic research, and the ground-truthing for document analysis research. Concretely, the application has the contents view, where the information is recorded into forms, and the labeling view, with the word labels for evaluating document analysis techniques. The crowdsourcing architecture allows to accelerate the information extraction (many users can work simultaneously), validate the information, and easily provide feedback to the users. We finally show how the proposed application can be extended to other kind of demographic historical manuscripts

    Contextual word spotting in historical handwritten documents

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    Existen incontables colecciones de documentos hist贸ricos en archivos y librer铆as repletos de valiosa informaci贸n para historiadores e investigadores. La extracci贸n de esta informaci贸n se ha convertido en una de las principales tareas para investigadores del 谩rea de an谩lisis de documentos. Hay un inter茅s creciente en digitalizar, conservar y dar acceso a este tipo de documentos. Pero s贸lo la digitalizaci贸n no es su铿乧iente para los investigadores. La extracci贸n y/o indexaci贸n de la informaci贸n de estos documentos tiene un creciente inter茅s entre los investigadores. En muchos casos, y en particular en documentos hist贸ricos, la completa trascripci贸n de estos documentos es extremadamente dif铆cil debido a di铿乧ultades intr铆nsecas: preservaci贸n f铆sica pobre, diferentes estilos de escritura, lenguajes obsoletos, etc. La b煤squeda de palabras se convierte en una popular y e铿乧iente alternativa a la tran-scripci贸n completa. Este m茅todo conlleva una inherente degradaci贸n de las im谩genes. La b煤squeda de palabras se formula hol铆sticamente como una b煤squeda visual de una forma dada en un conjunto grande de im谩genes, en vez de reconocer el texto y buscar la palabra mediante la comparaci贸n de c贸digos ascii. Pero el rendimiento de los m茅todos de b煤squeda de palabras cl谩sicos puede verse afectado por el nivel de degradaci贸n de las im谩genes, que en algunos casos pueden ser inaceptables. Por esta raz贸n, proponemos una b煤squeda de palabras contextual que utiliza la informaci贸n contextual/sem谩ntica para obtener resultados donde los m茅todos de b煤squeda cl谩sica no lo logran un rendimiento aceptable. El sistema de b煤squeda de palabras contextual propuesto en esta tesis utiliza un m茅todo de b煤squeda de palabras basado en segmentaci贸n, y por tanto es necesaria una segmentaci贸n de palabras precisa. Documentos hist贸ricos manuscritos presentan algunas di铿乧ultades que pueden di铿乧ultar la extracci贸n de palabras. Proponemos un m茅todo de segmentaci贸n de palabras que formula el problema como la b煤squeda del camino central en el area que hay entre dos l铆neas consecutivas. Esto se resuelve mediante un problema de grafo transversal. Un algoritmo de b煤squeda de caminos es utilizado para encontrar el camino 贸ptimo en el grafo, calculado previamente, entre dos l铆neas de texto. Una vez las l铆neas se han extra铆do, las palabras son localizadas dentro de las l铆neas de texto utilizando un m茅todo del estado del arte para segmentar palabras. Los m茅todos de b煤squeda cl谩sicos pueden mejor utilizando la informaci贸n contextual de los documentos. Presentamos un nuevo sistema, orientado a documentos manuscritos que presentan una estructura a los largo de sus p谩ginas, para extraer la informaci贸n uti-lizando informaci贸n contextual. El sistema es una e铿乧iente herramienta para la transcripci贸n semiautom谩tica que utiliza la informaci贸n contextual para obtener mejores resultados que los m茅todos de b煤squeda convencionales. La informaci贸n contextual es descubierta autom谩ticamente reconociendo estructuras repetitivas y categorizando las palabras con su correspondiente clase sem谩ntica. Se extraen las palabras m谩s frecuentes de cada clase sem谩ntica y as铆 el mismo texto es utilizado para transcribir todas ellas. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos en esta tesis mejoran los resultados de los m茅todos cl谩sicos de b煤squeda de palabras, demostrando idoneidad de la arquitectura propuesta para la b煤squeda de palabras en documentos hist贸ricos manuscritos utilizando la informaci贸n contextual.There are countless collections of historical documents in archives and libraries that contain plenty of valuable information for historians and researchers. The extraction of this information has become a central task among the Document Analysis researches and practitioners. There is an increasing interest to digital preserve and provide access to these kind of documents. But only the digitalization is not enough for the researchers. The extraction and/or indexation of information of this documents has had an increased interest among researchers. In many cases, and in particular in historical manuscripts, the full transcription of these documents is extremely di cult due the inherent de ciencies: poor physical preservation, di erent writing styles, obsolete languages, etc. Word spotting has become a popular an e cient alternative to full transcription. It inherently involves a high level of degradation in the images. The search of words is holistically formulated as a visual search of a given query shape in a larger image, instead of recognising the input text and searching the query word with an ascii string comparison. But the performance of classical word spotting approaches depend on the degradation level of the images being unacceptable in many cases . In this thesis we have proposed a novel paradigm called contextual word spotting method that uses the contextual/semantic information to achieve acceptable results whereas classical word spotting does not reach. The contextual word spotting framework proposed in this thesis is a segmentation-based word spotting approach, so an e cient word segmentation is needed. Historical handwritten documents present some common di culties that can increase the di culties the extraction of the words. We have proposed a line segmentation approach that formulates the problem as nding the central part path in the area between two consecutive lines. This is solved as a graph traversal problem. A path nding algorithm is used to nd the optimal path in a graph, previously computed, between the text lines. Once the text lines are extracted, words are localized inside the text lines using a word segmentation technique from the state of the art. Classical word spotting approaches can be improved using the contextual information of the documents. We have introduced a new framework, oriented to handwritten documents that present a highly structure, to extract information making use of context. The framework is an e cient tool for semi-automatic transcription that uses the contextual information to achieve better results than classical word spotting approaches. The contextual information is automatically discovered by recognizing repetitive structures and categorizing all the words according to semantic classes. The most frequent words in each semantic cluster are extracted and the same text is used to transcribe all them. The experimental results achieved in this thesis outperform classical word spotting approaches demonstrating the suitability of the proposed ensemble architecture for spotting words in historical handwritten documents using contextual information

    A Tale of Two Transcriptions : Machine-Assisted Transcription of Historical Sources

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    This article is part of the "Norwegian Historical Population Register" project financed by the Norwegian Research Council (grant # 225950) and the Advanced Grand Project "Five Centuries of Marriages"(2011-2016) funded by the European Research Council (# ERC 2010-AdG_20100407)This article explains how two projects implement semi-automated transcription routines: for census sheets in Norway and marriage protocols from Barcelona. The Spanish system was created to transcribe the marriage license books from 1451 to 1905 for the Barcelona area; one of the world's longest series of preserved vital records. Thus, in the Project "Five Centuries of Marriages" (5CofM) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona's Center for Demographic Studies, the Barcelona Historical Marriage Database has been built. More than 600,000 records were transcribed by 150 transcribers working online. The Norwegian material is cross-sectional as it is the 1891 census, recorded on one sheet per person. This format and the underlining of keywords for several variables made it more feasible to semi-automate data entry than when many persons are listed on the same page. While Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for printed text is scientifically mature, computer vision research is now focused on more difficult problems such as handwriting recognition. In the marriage project, document analysis methods have been proposed to automatically recognize the marriage licenses. Fully automatic recognition is still a challenge, but some promising results have been obtained. In Spain, Norway and elsewhere the source material is available as scanned pictures on the Internet, opening up the possibility for further international cooperation concerning automating the transcription of historic source materials. Like what is being done in projects to digitize printed materials, the optimal solution is likely to be a combination of manual transcription and machine-assisted recognition also for hand-written sources

    Graph-based word spotting by inexact matching techniques

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    Al llarg d'aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat un nou m猫tode de word spotting (localitzaci贸 de paraules) en qu猫 es t茅 molt en compte l'estructura de les paraules a buscar. Aquestes t猫cniques consisteixen a trobar paraules escrites a m脿, a partir d'un exemple. La t猫cnica presentada s'ha desenvolupat per utilitzar-la en documents antics. Seguidament, es presenta una indexaci贸 per tal d'accelerar el proc茅s de cerca. Aquesta indexaci贸 consisteix a trobar r脿pidament un conjunt de candidats on aplicar t猫cniques de word spotting en grans col路leccions de documents. Finalment, es mostra un exemple d'aplicaci贸 de les t猫cniques desenvolupades en una aplicaci贸 per a dispositius Android.A lo largo del proyecto se ha desarrollado un nuevo m茅todo de word spotting (localizaci贸n de palabras) en el cual se tiene muy en consideraci贸n la estructura de las palabras a buscar. Estas t茅cnicas consisten en encontrar palabras escritas a mano partiendo de un ejemplo. La t茅cnica presentada se ha desarrollado utiliz谩ndola en documentos antiguos. Seguidamente, se presenta una indexaci贸n con el objetivo de acelerar el proceso de b煤squeda. Esta indexaci贸n consiste en encontrar r谩pidamente un conjunto de candidatos donde aplicar t茅cnicas de word spotting en grandes colecciones de documentos. Finalmente, se muestra un ejemplo de aplicaci贸n de la t茅cnica desarrollada en una aplicaci贸n para dispositivos Android.Along this project a new method for word spotting (location of words) has been developed. This method has in mind the structure of the words to search. These techniques consist in finding handwritten words from a given example. The presented technique has been meant to be used in old documents. Afterwards an indexation process is presented to speed up the search step. This indexation is used to find a set of candidates in large document collections in order to apply word spotting techniques. Finally, an example application of the developed techniques is proposed for Android devices

    Arxiu documental de la Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu : recerca en an脿lisi de documents

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    L'inter猫s principal del projecte de catalogaci贸 i digitalitzaci贸 de l'arxiu hist貌ric del Liceu no es troba nom茅s en elaborar un repositori digital de documents. La UAB atorgar脿 a la plataforma digital un plus d'enriquiment documental, tot creant una biblioteca 2.0. En la biblioteca es podr脿 creuar i relacionar la informaci贸 proporcionada pels mateixos documents, interactuant amb la informaci贸. Entre altres funcionalitats, permetr脿 cercar i relacionar dades entre s铆, descobrir informaci贸, comparar imatges, partitures i documents, identificar el copista d'una partitura, generar els 脿udios relacionats amb una representaci贸 determinada i fer reconstruccions en 3D, tant del Teatre antic com de les escenografies, per crear realitats virtuals

    Intel路lig猫ncia artificial per preservar el patrimoni musical

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    Investigadors del CVC i del Departament de Musicologia de la UAB estan col路laborant en diferents l铆nies d'investigaci贸 per preservar, catalogar i difondre els documents de m煤sica hist貌rica i per evolucionar cap al tractament digital de la informaci贸 musical.Investigadores del CVC y el Departamento de Musicolog铆a de la UAB est谩n colaborando en distintas l铆neas de investigaci贸n para preservar, catalogar y difundir los documentos de m煤sica hist贸rica y para evolucionar hacia el tratamiento digital de la informaci贸n musical.CVC researchers and the UAB Musicology Department are collaborating in different research lines in order to preserve, catalogue and disseminate historic musical documents and to evolve towards the digital processing of musical information